Saturday, April 21, 2012

Why I am pro choice

This is a long list.

Basically, I believe that every child should be a wanted child. You can use the "But people wait years for healthy babies!" excuse all you want, but the fact is, most babies who are aborted are babies who would not have been healthy anyway because their parents were not ready for them and knew that. And there are hundreds of thousands of children in foster care. Adding to the foster care system is not appealing to me.

How many kids emerge from the foster care system severely traumatized? I shudder to think about it!
This is a link of statistics in foster care I absolutely stopped breathing when I read that 65% ARE EMANCIPATED HOMELESS!!!!!! What is wrong with this country that this goes on? I hate to say it, but they may have been better off never having been born...This is statistics of prisoners who grew up in foster care. So, where are all these families waiting for healthy babies? Were they not white enough for them? Were they born with fetal alcohol syndrome and drug addictions and that just did not fit in with their plans? I can't say that I blame them. I wouldn't want to adopt a 3 year old who was sexually abused by her crack head mother's boyfriend when she was 2. That doesn't sound like fun to me! No wonder there are so many unwanted children out there!

I have had people ask me if becoming a mother has changed my view on abortion. No. Not at all. In fact, it has made me support abortion more. And not because I don't love my daughter. Because I know how much work she is, and I knew a lot of the people I have met could not handle that, in any way. I have also seen, and more so heard of, the result of babies born to mothers who were doing drugs. Not pretty, and not healthy. And heard of people smoking crack with their infant child right next to them. They kept them because human instinct is to keep our children close and to take care of them. And at the time, they thought they could take care of them. They honestly, truly believed that. For some, that's enough. But for others, it's not. And the children suffer the consequences. It's simply not ideal to expect many college students, teenagers, and young at heart to part with their children. I still want to be with my daughter, almost all the time. It goes against human instinct for us to give our child to someone else to raise, and not all of us are so unselfish as to find a nice family and give our children to them. That's okay. That's human instinct. I'm sick of people acting like it's not. We all have pain, some of us more than others. For anyone to put down anothers' pain is wrong and in-compassionate.

There are also cases where the baby is just not healthy, or the mother is unhealthy and terminating the pregnancy would allow her to fight to get well. Pregnancy speeds some cancers along, and you cannot do chemo, etc. when you are pregnant. So, the mother will sometimes die before she gives birth. So, baby dies too anyway, or is born extremely unhealthy because the mother was too sick to eat right. Yeah, sounds like a great situation to bring a baby into! Or, she is just super unhealthy while pregnant and gives birth to a stillborn baby 3 months early. I know, not every situation.....but quite a few. An unhealthy baby is not worth it to me. And babies who have down syndrome, etc....okay, maybe you could take care of them their whole life....but eventually you will be old. Then who will take care of you? And them? Some of them are unable to work, so society pours disability money into them. Not that money matters, and maybe these people are put here to teach us something. From my totally non medical opinion, most miscarriages are children who would have been more susceptible to be born with down syndrome, cerebral palsy, etc. but some of them make it through anyway. Should we off them before they make their appearance? I'm not sure, but it might be something I would consider. That's hard on them. Very freakin' hard....Why would we bring someone into the world who is going to have such a hard life? Isn't that cruel? For me, I kind of tend to think so.  That's a situational basis, but severe cases of this should not be. I consider it in-compassionate to not terminate a pregnancy with a child who has severe Gastroschisis or some other disease for which all they can do once the child is born is make them comfortable until they die.

For me, quality of life is just as important, if not more so than life itself. It's important for a child to be born whose wanted, who's birth was dreamed about and planned for, because those are usually the children who do well. This is a known fact. Does that mean that children who are not will not do well? Well, no. Life is not black and white. But, I believe that a woman who was raped, or whose birth control failed should not have to adjust their life if they are not ready. Sometimes they are, which is fine. Some will not agree with this and that is fine.

Does that mean I think people should be able to have 5 abortions in 3 years and continue to get pregnant and have abortions? No. I think that is irresponsible. Do I think you should be able to get an abortion after the 1st trimester because your spouse left you? No....I think that's a self involved reason. Is it right for somebody? Maybe. I just think pregnancies are a situational basis, not everyone is READY to be a parent, nor are they READY to give up their child....This is sad, and can be emotionally traumatizing. But I know people who have done it, and I don't think they are murderers. And they know they made the right choice, for them at the time. Good for them.

Would it be right for me? I tend to doubt that, but maybe it would be. Maybe it would not be right at the time, or maybe it would. I have no way of knowing. If I took fertility medications and found out I would be having 5 at once....I think I would terminate the 3 weaker ones, so the other two would have a better chance of thriving. Maybe to you it seems cold hearted, but to me, it's just common sense, and it's kindest for my child(ren).


  1. Freedom is believing that it is better for people to make decisions for themselves than to let someone make decisions for them. When it comes to defending people's right to make choices, we have to protect ALL people's choices whether we agree with them or not. ALL choices are taken away taken away from the child whose mother decided it "wasn't worth it" to have a child with special needs. Maybe it's not right for a woman to have 5 abortions or whatever, but if we're going to defend the right to choose, it needs to be there for ALL people, not just those with "special circumstances."

    One good thing (possibly the only) Bush did in office was signed the Right to Life bill. It protects fetuses who are able to survive outside their mother's womb from being "aborted." It would be unconstitutional for two children to be fighting for life in a hospital and to have one of them discarded because it was "aborted" while doctors fight to save the life of the other.

    We are promised the right to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. If we do not defend the rights of the unborn, then we are not protecting the right to life. Our right to choose ends when it infringes on the rights of another.

  2. Totally agree with you Romona. I also don't really believe a child is a child until they're born but you make some really good points different from mine.

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  6. And I agree with that law---I don't think babies should actually be aborted after the 1st trimester. I would not choose that.

  7. Basically, what I tried to say in there is that sometimes, abortions IS in that child-to-be's best interest. Sometimes, it IS protecting life, and it IS the best thing for that family.

  8. We all have the right to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness, as you said. But, if we know that that child is going to be born into hell and that parent will not give that child up, aren't we protecting that? I believe that we are, with all my heart.
